Thursday, July 22, 2010

The World's Largest Department Store

Last weekend we ventured to Centum City, home of the world's largest department store Shinsegae. (Shin-see-gay). Including the 4 basement levels beneath the subway, Shinsegae is 18 stories high. We visited every level - and it only took us about 5 hours. It was quite an unbelievable sight. It is more like a small city than a department store. You just don't see places like this in America, probably because we are able to build out instead of up.

Here's a rundown of some of our favorite things:

Level 4: Food court and indoor ice skating rink. You can sit and eat while you watch the skaters and one whole side of the rink is a huge glass wall. You can see out over the entire city.

Level 5: Bookstore and dining cinema with two screens. Right now Shrek Forever is showing.

Level 9: There are lots of fancy restaurants up here, but the best part is the outdoor park that looks out over the ocean. You would never be able to tell you are on the 9th floor of a building - there is real grass, tons of trees and park benches throughout. A sound machine of chirping birds completes the atmosphere. Truly amazing.

Level 10: Here is a second movie theater with six screens. No dining here, but you can purchase beer to drink during the movie.

Level 11-14: This is the really phenomenal part. The top three levels are combined into an indoor golf driving range. There are three levels of tee boxes and a machine in the floor automatically brings you a new ball for each swing. You pay by the hour, so you don't pay a flat rate for a bucket of balls. Instead, for about $20 you get 80 minutes to hit as much as you want. There is also a putting green and sand trap for practicing your strokes. I can think of some boyfriends and husbands who would love this - they get to play golf while their ladies are downstairs shopping!

Shinsegae also features a full salon and spa, a video game arcade, a grocery store and a train ride for little kids in front of the building. It was a great way to spend the day.

***Bob and Lindsey***

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Good Day

Had a great day today in Busan. Nothing very exciting even happened but sometimes that is what makes a day fun and comfortable. We went to lunch with another married couple, Kadie and Ryan. They also teach English at Corem. It's always nice to take a break from lesson plans and teaching for a little while. They have been here for 6 months already, so they have a lot of great advice about all things Korean.

After classes Bob and I walked down the street a few blocks from the school and tried an Italian restaurant (Another teacher from school, Christina, recommended it). It was great food! We got spaghetti and a half rack of BBQ ribs to split. The pasta came with warm bread and the ribs came with fries. A large Coke with two bendy straws completed the meal. We are excited to have found another good restaurant here in Gaegeum.

We are enjoying the Korean food and restaurants, but a little taste of good 'ole American BBQ every now and then sure will be nice!

***Bob and Lindsey***

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Health Check

Yesterday we had our health checks at the hospital. Our E2 teaching visa requires us to get a health check within one month of our arrival in South Korea. Once the results come back we will be issued our Alien Registration cards. This is our form of identification in South Korea.

We are excited, because once we have the card we can get a bank account and a cell phone. Then we are official residents of Busan, South Korea! (at least for the year)

The health check included an eye test, urine test, blood sample, x-ray and the usual weight, height, etc. Bob always gets a little sick when doctors have to take blood. This time was no exception. He got a little tunnel vision and had to lay down for a few minutes. Honestly, I felt a bit faint myself...but luckily it's all behind us now!

We recovered with cheesburgers and fries from McDonalds. I brought it home in the pouring rain for us. I managed to keep it dry....everything here is certainly an adventure!

***Bob and Lindsey***

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Here are links to our photos from South Korea! They include the local market and area around our neighborhood, Seomyeon (the big shopping district just a short subway ride away) and our school and some of our students.

We also threw in pictures from our wedding and honeymoon, for those of you who haven't seen them on Facebook or elsewhere yet.

When you click on the link you will see all of the pictures in the album. From there just click on an individual picture. In the upper right corner of the picture you will see the "Previous" and "Next" buttons. Use these to page through all the photos in the album.

Enjoy....more to come in the days, weeks and months ahead!

Street market


School pictures

Hawaii honeymoon pictures

Wedding photos Part 1

Wedding photos Part 2

***Bob and Lindsey***

Saturday, July 10, 2010


So I think monsoon season is upon us. The rain started early last night and now about 24 hours later it still has not stopped. The monsoon season was supposed to start any day now, so the timing is right. It should last 3-4 weeks. Bob and I are armed and ready with our arsenal of umbrellas. (And even if we weren't, you can't turn a corner here without seeing umbrellas for sale...definitely no shortage of umbrellas).

South Koreans adapt very well to the rain in ways that just aren't necessary in America. While on a shopping trip to Home Plus today (HUGE department/grocery store....7 stories high) I saw a little dispenser just inside the doors with these long and skinny plastic bags. They are to put your umbrellas in while you shop so you don't drip water all over the floors. Very clever!

And while we're on the subject of clever things at Home Plus, you should check out their shopping cart technology! Each wheel of the shopping cart sits on a base of four smaller wheels that swivel 360 degrees. Because of this, you can move your cart in all directions without having to turn it. You can push it forward and backward, but also left to right! It makes it really easy to turn corners, which is a good thing because it is always very crowded at Home Plus. (It's amazing how many Korean families grocery shop together at 11pm on a Sunday night!) We'll take a video of the shopping carts in action's pretty fun to see.

16 days and counting since we arrived in Korea! Love everyone and keep in touch!

***Bob and Lindsey***

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tomorrow is One Week!

Tomorrow marks the one-week anniversary of our arrival in South Korea! So far we are having a great time with everything we are doing. Today was our 3rd day of teaching at Corem Language Institute. It took a few days to get the hang of how the curriculum works and come up with some good ideas for class activities. Luckily, things are starting to fall into place. The little kinders are soooo cute and they love to learn and love their teachers!

We are having a lot of fun exploring Busan and have already found some great places to eat and shop. There is an outdoor market just a block from our school that we have visited a few times. You can find clothes, restaurants, fresh fruit and vegetables, cookware, office supplies, shoes and a whole lot more (the lady who sells 3 hot fried doughnuts for about $1 is our favorite stand to visit!)

I am surprised how quickly we feel comfortable here and how easy it has been to find what we need and simply enjoy ourselves.

***Bob and Lindsey***