Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Where is Busan?

Busan, South Korea is a port city in the south east part of the Korean Peninsula (about as far from the DMZ as you can get!) It is the second biggest city in South Korea, second only to Seoul. The population is about 4 million, so it’s certainly a big step up from Omaha! Busan also recently announced its bid to host the 2020 Summer Olympics, so maybe in 10 years we’ll all be seeing a lot more of Busan on TV.

We’ll experience all four seasons in Busan, but not quite as vividly as in Nebraska. It doesn’t get much hotter than 80 degrees in the summer or much colder than freezing in the winter. There are mountains to our north in the interior of the country, and yet the beach will be just a half hour subway ride from our apartment. Japan is also our neighbor to the northeast. It’s only a short plane ride, so we plan to visit there during a school break.

So how exactly did all of this come about? It’s been quite a process and we’ve been planning for almost a year now! We’ll cover that story next time.

What else do you want to know about Busan? Post a comment and let us know!

***Bob and Lindsey***


  1. Being from Texas, the winter I spent in Busan was the worst I've ever had to live through. It wasn't really that bad, but it does stay a couple degrees below freezing for a few months. I know, because any water that spilled on the streets was always frozen. Add to that the ocean breeze, and it was quite chilly! I'm sure you won't be so daunted by it like I was; I'm a big fan of warm weather.

  2. Thanks for the clarification! I love warm weather too, so winter might still be tough. We had an absolutely painful winter this year, so as long as we don't have temps 10 below zero (no, that is not the wind chill) and 2 feet of snow I think I'll survive : )
