Friday, May 13, 2011

Korean Food Innovations

There's a lot of street food vendors in Busan, and you can find some pretty tasty and creative treats. I'm not sure if these clever concoctions have made it to America yet but they really make eating fun!

First up is the corn dog/french fries combo on a stick. It's really quite brilliant. Why order a corn dog and a side of french fries when you can just fry them up together and eat it all in one bite? I've enjoyed this snack a time or two myself.

There's also the "Col-Pop." It's a way to eat your chicken and drink your soda all with one hand. Here's a review from a food buyers and suppliers website:

"Proving yet again that South Korea is light years ahead of everyone else in fast food technology is The Col-Pop. The nation that brought the world the spiral-cut potato on a stick and hot-dog-stuffed pizza ushers in a new era of snack portability with this mash-up of drink cup and food container that holds popcorn chicken up top and a cold drink in the bottom."

I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to sample the hot-dog-stuffed pizza!

***Bob & Lindsey***

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